Entrégale al Yoga tus preocupaciones, dolores, infortunios, dale cualquier cosa. Y lleva a tu hogar felicidad, alegría y...

Posteado en Casa del Yoga el viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

"Cuando la ignorancia es nuestro amo, no hay posibilidad de paz real..." Dalai Lama Cuando la dieta es equivocada, la...

Posteado en Doctor Ayurveda & Sanación Yóguica Integral el sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009


In the practice of yoga — throughout the centuries — the Yogis and Yoginis would super-charge their physical bodies using postures, breath and movement.

This transformation took place at the level of the atom. When the breath is taken consciously and the body movement synchronized; extra prana (life-force) becomes attached to the oxygen... as if invited by the conscious effort. This prana then feeds the atoms, where as oxygen feeds the cells.

It is time for us all to learn to build these pranic reservoirs... a key to the future of consciousness and the success of life's fulfillment.

Make it a daily practice... transmute life-currents through the blood, through the nerves, through the body and breath — to the brain. In this way, become a light that brightens every space.

It has taken millions of years to make preparations for what we are now to accomplish in this one lifetime... such is the amazement of GOD’s hand... known to us as evolution.

Source: text by Guru Singh www.gurusingh.com / pictures by Trey Ratcliff www.stuckincustoms.com

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